Getting coverage is easy, considering all the options you have.

But knowing what to pick or who to go to get help from is tricky.

To make matters worse: There are tons of bad brokers that will gladly take your money from your pockets. And employers that promise big payouts but leave you high & dry in times of crisis…

In this episode, I’ll reveal exactly how you can navigate the various minefields of the insurance world and get the right coverage for you.

Listen now!

Show Highlights Include:

The real truth behind insurance companies and why most people can’t get a higher premium (2:46)

Surprising reason why you’ll be charged the same by insurance companies even if your pay goes down by more than half (4:09)

2 crucial factors insurance companies look at when deciding how much coverage you need (5:25)

The earliest you’re eligible for an increase in coverage as a trainee (Note: Look out for this window so that you can get more coverage over the long term) (6:06) How to get more credit for your coverage on your guaranteed bonus on pay (7:13)

Are you an independent contractor? Here’s how long you need to wait before an insurance company will give you credit for your new income (7:41)

Sneaky “Definition Watering” tactic insurance companies use to make it difficult for people to collect coverage (and how you can prevent that) (10:36)

How your employer could unknowingly cause your private speciality disability benefit to go down by half (and what you can do to avoid it) (12:00)

The dirty little secrets of employers who brag about having up to 60% of their salary replacement as a joining benefit (13:19)

Billy  Gwaltney

Billy Gwaltney

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